Arcadia LARP Wikia

Arcadia LARP Management Committee Minutes 09-07-19 []

Convener: David Walker (Chair) 

Recorder: Rachel Elston (Vice Chair) 

Present:  David Walker (Chair), Rachel Elston (Vice Chair), Glynne Turnbull (Secretary), Deborah Myers (Treasurer) James Myers (Site and Safety Officer), Joshua Wheaton-Green (Accountant), Emma Weeks (Public Relations)  

Agenda: []

Crew Ticket Cap Follow Up []

JWG researching how to email a payment link to pre-agreed crew. Once figured out, JWG to disable the crew ticket payment link on the website. DM and EW to update players in monthly newsletter and on social media of the cap and inform pre-agreed crew members to email for the payment link. 

Job Descriptions []

Committee were discussed and agreed upon. RE to write them up, including an advertisement for the secretary role for EW to share with players 

Email from Caddihoe []

Arcadia LARP has received a few emails regarding the water supply on site and whether it was fit for drinking after issues were experienced with the borehole. They were waiting on testing and the water is now once again deemed safe to drink with the email stating “our water source met the current EU drinking water regulations last Friday (28/6) following testing undertaken by EDDC and SWW”. 

The site warden has also informed the club that ticks are very prevalent this year so basic precautions should be taken. The club already has the necessary supplies to remove ticks but advice will be given to players, at time in and via social media, on how to prevent tick bites. EW to publish a tick warning and tips for prevention.  

Email from a Member of the Public: []

Email received from a student doing a Master’s Degree in psychology, saying they were reaching out to LARP clubs to gain take up on their research project. Email states that survey is anonymous and should only take 10 minutes. EW to share the survey link to our player base so they can decide whether they would like to do it. DM to respond to original email outlining what we have done. 

Safety Headbands: []

Potential safety issue has been highlighted about players not being able to see the non-combative gesture at night leading to a potential safety hazard for night based plot and non-combat players. A red light up safety headband was discussed with some split committee opinions. Agreed that they would be tested at this upcoming event and reviewed after using opinions from the players in the AGM. 

Tested at the event worded as an advisory reviewed after the event discussed at AGM. Matters must be brought to the committee for discussion before released to players. 

AOB []

Constitution: []

Committee to look at revisal and make sure they are happy before releasing to members on 29th  

Committee Decisions: []

It was highlighted and reminded that all matters that would influence the way the event is run must be brought in front of the Committee, or Game Team respectively, before being committed to and told to players.  

Closing Remarks: []

Tasks added to action table 

Next meeting scheduled for 28/07/19